Clean configuration cache across the farm

Published on Tuesday, 21 November 2023

How to clean the configuration cache across the farm

Sometimes cleaning the SharePoint configuration cache is required. This is a rather simple endeavour:

  • stop the SharePoint timer service
  • clean all the cache files (*.xml, located under %ProgramData%\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\[some-guid])
  • modify the cache.ini in the same folder
  • start the SharePoint timer service

This, however, is a somewhat tedious process for every thing other than single-server farms.

The following script will perform the cache cleanup on every single server in the farm using PowerShell remoting. (This means PowerShell remoting needs to be enabled on every server in the farm and the current user needs access to every server in the farm.)

#requires -pssnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
	Cleans the cache across the whole Farm.
    All servers will be accessed via PowerShell remoting. Make sure PowerShell remoting is enabled.

	Does all the hard work
$errorActionPreference = "Stop"

if ($Servers -eq $null -or $Servers.Length -eq 0) {
  $Servers = (Get-SPFarm).Servers | ? { $_.Role -ne "Invalid" } | select -ExpandProperty Address

if(-not $Force.isPresent -and -not $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Clean Cache for $($servers) ?", "Confirm")) {

$Servers | % {
    if(-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_)){

    $script = {
        Stop-Service SPTimerV4
        $caches = Get-ChildItem -Path "$($env:ProgramData)\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\" -Recurse -Filter cache.ini | ? {$_.Directory.Name -ne "$([guid]::Empty)"}

        $caches | % {
            $d = $_.Directory
            Get-ChildItem -Path $d.FullName -Exclude *.ini | Remove-Item -Force
            Set-Content -Path "$($d.FullName)\cache.ini" -Value "1" -Encoding UTF8

        Start-Service SPTimerV4

    Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script -ComputerName $_